Ordo Arcani
Copyright © 2013 by Martin Spinks ·  All Rights reserved  ·  E-Mail: martin@spinks.nl
Martin Spinks
Designed by  MafS
Ordo Arcani.

The ‘Ordo Arcani’ is a highly exclusive, international order. Its name is derived from the latin word arcanus, meaning ‘secretive’ ‘silent’ or ‘mysterious’. Its logo is a fiery feather circumscribed by the words “Cur veritatem possidens alicui persuadere” meaning “Why persuade the other when the truth is mine”.
The order was founded in 1999 by a triumvirate of scholars in the fields of law, philosophy and theology. Its members nowadays are said to stem from almost every thinkable layer of human society but are usually only known to each other.

The order maintains a very strict code of conduct of which only one rule has ever been revealed to the general public. This rule states that “no one member of the order shall ever reveal his/her own identity or that of any of his/her fellows to the outside world for achieving personal gain or inflicting harm.”

Although it remains in question what the exact reason for founding the order, the precise goal it strives to achieve and the means and actions which they utilize to do so are, its logo and credo insinuate it has to do with an ardent search for Truth and the advocation of the findings in this search without any personal advantage, whether in fame or finance, to be gained from it.